FAMA Engineering is born with the aim of providing its customers with solutions to their demands. To offer a full service that brings a problem, a need, a request, into a resource. Focused on responses to new and increasingly demanding engineering markets. FAMA Engineering provides consulting, hardware support, software support, research, development, rapid prototyping, testing and validation by providing tailor-made, full-featured, turnkey solutions for each customer.

"People and details always make the difference. The pursuit of excellence, and attention to detail leads to transforming a difficulty into an opportunity ... creating solutions and ideas by solving problems."
(Fausto, co-founder FAMA Engineering)


An almost twenty-year experience in the Automotive field, in analysis of vehicle dynamics and in development of dedicated measurement chains, for the analysis of physical dimensions of interest. Engineering solutions created to optimize and analyze vehicle dynamic, comfort and the NHV for 2 and 4 wheels vehicles, also through the development of innovative mechanical solutions for different applications.


Production of analysis systems and process-quality product control, through measurements and analysis of all the considerable parameters in the production chain. Analysis and measurements of mechanical parameters for preventive maintenance and prevention of the downtime.


Analysis, study, modelling and development of any road and off-road vehicle, Off-Highway and anything on rail. Support to develop either of brand new or of the most sophisticated controls, performance optimization and improvement of specific efficiencies for every single implementation. Support in sensor’s choice and installation and subsequently data analysis and post processing to evaluate comfort and vehicle dynamics. Research and development technical support to global vehicle improvement.


Consultancy and support in management, preparation, development and analysis of all the topics related to motorsport vehicles. On track field experience drives to find specific, effective solutions. Support in sensor’s choice and installation and subsequently data analysis and post processing to evaluate vehicle dynamics. Research and Development Technical support to improve vehicle performances.


Consultancy for Research and Development of cutting edge aerospace solutions in measurement field and mainly focused on acoustic and vibration comfort improvement and ice preventing systems (Deicing systems).


Software and hardware solutions to meet any kind of need in the measurement and in control field. Manufacturing, engineering and optimization of sensors, measuring chains and complete acquisition systems even with FAMA branded products and projects.